As spring gets closer and the nights start to slowly draw out you might be thinking about getting outdoors more. If you are looking for some outdoor gear Amazon is offering great deals on Regatta products including saving over 50% on a pair of waterproof hiking boots.
The Regatta Womens Holcombe IEP Walking Boots have been reduced by over 50% meaning prices now start at a brilliant £40.64. These walking boots have a new and improved fit with precise heel hold, generous toe room and they are waterproof.
Shoppers have been loving these walking boots. One said: "I bought these about a week ago, and have worn them every day cycling and walking over very long distances. They fit like a glove, I got my regular size 7 and they are perfect, very comfortable to wear. I walk a lot on the beach and I found them excellent in wet sand, my feet didn’t get damp at all."
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Another added: "These are my third pair of Regatta boots and I love them, really comfy." And: "The boots are an exact fit. Very comfy. They arrived early. I will be ordering a second pair soon." A fourth said: "Very comfortable would recommend and good value for the money."

One customer struggled to break the walking boots in, they said: "Wore boots 1st time & have worst blisters ever had within half hour walk! Have always been fine with Regatta size 7 before so very disappointed."
Mountain Warehouse is selling the Adventurer Women's Waterproof Walking Boots for £42.99. Sports Direct is selling the Mount Mid Ladies Waterproof Walking Boots for £44.99. Want less ads? Download WalesOnline’s Premium app on Apple or Android.
Trespass is selling the Trespass Women's Walking Boots Alisa for £61.99. You can keep up to date with the latest What's On news by signing up to the newsletter here.