A 'gorgeous' Michael Kors designer bag has been reduced in price thanks to John Lewis' latest clearance sale. The retailer is known for selling all sorts of high-end and luxury items, including designer handbags.

But as 'chic' as owning a designer bag can be, the steep price tag can be off putting. However, John Lewis has slashed prices of various top brands in handbags and purses clearance sale.

One of the items that has dropped in cost is the Michael Kors Hadleigh Leather Tote Luggage Bag. Originally the bag would have set you back almost £300. But thanks to its latest discount, it it £150 cheaper - costing half the price at £147.50. The tote bag comes in either black or tan and both remain the same price.

The leather tote bag features an interior slip pocket and a gold signature Michael Kors fastening. A description on John Lewis' website reads: "Perfect for keeping you fully organized, this tote bag from Michael Kors is both smart and elegant.

"Crafted from a premium smooth leather with a slight grainy texture, it features long shoulder straps, a top stud fastening, and an interior pocket for secure storage." Its width and height (H29 x W42.5 x 16cm) makes it ideal for travelling, fitting in plenty of essentials - including iPads and even a laptop. There are currently no reviews of the bag on the John Lewis website.

Michael Kors Hadleigh Leather Tote Bag
The Michael Kors Hadleigh Leather Tote Bag is reduced to clear

Elsewhere, John Lewis has also slashed the price of a popular Aspinal of London bag by as much as £225. The Stella Satchel Bag is now on offer for £225, down from its usual price of £450. You can also get a HUSH Angelina Stud Detail Leather Shoulder Bag for just £55 - down from £139.

If the Michael Kors tote bag is still a bit too much money, there are plenty of other alternatives on the market. New Look is selling a Black Leather Look Zip Front Tote Bag for £20, which customers have rated 4.4 stars out of five.

In the review section, one shopper said: "It's really good quality especially for £20. It doesn't really lose its shape at all and can hold quite a lot. Straps are comfy as well." Another penned: "It’s so nice, it has one pocket inside and it’s quite big so that’s good. It’s zips up well too, doesn’t feel cheap either. " A third said: "Beautiful bag just what I was looking for."

However, some people had issues with the bag's pocket. Van claimed: "The pocket at the front does not open their no zip pocket inside either." Lolos added: "The zip on the front doesn’t work but it’s cute decoration."